Accessible only previous audition, contact the Academy secretariat for information on possible dates.
For students in the last year of study or graduates and dancers looking for a first job.
Age for project admission: minimum 18 years, maximum 20 years.
Accademia Internazionale Coreutica’s faculty.
Guests choreographers and companies’ Directors
- Rehearsal and performances for the A.I.C. Performing Project
- Workshops with invited choreographers and company directors
- Ballet Technique, Contemporary Dance Technique, preparation of a Variation from the Classical Repertory and contemporary dance solo for auditions.
- Preparation of a video, photo book for auditions and Curriculum Vitae for Auditions
- Audition’s search
Performance/training project aimed at helping young dancers to deal with the most delicate moment of their career: the one between obtaining a diploma of study and getting a contract in the company.
A 1-year project, from September to July, which includes:
Rehearsals and performances with choreographies created by established choreographers and guests of international renown (Directors of companies and choreographers), workshops with invited choreographers and directors of companies, classical and contemporary technique classes, preparation of variations and solos for auditions, curriculum vitae, video and photo book.
The program, limited in number of participants, offers all the necessary tools to build a background of stage’s experience fundamental to the search for a first job.
The Management and staff of the Accademia Internazionale Coreutica will provide participants with their knowledge and contacts and will help them to identify suitable auditions optimizing the resources of the dancers.